Thursday 2 August 2012

New Messages From Christy.....Me

Hi All,

This is my answer to those folks asking me to update my web site more often.  I have decided to keep everyone more up to date on what is going on with my sculpting and shows.
Let me know what you think.

Thanks Guys,


  1. Hi Christy: Looking forward to reading your comments and what's going on regularly! : )

    1. Thanks Heather. I couldn't do it without you and I sooo appreciate all your help. This really should be interesting and fun........and a learning experience for sure.

  2. Hi there. Looks good. I may have to re-check momndads cmptr. It opened fine once, but glitchy. it's there awfull verizon service though. Worst I've ever seen. The site looks very good.
    andy....Having trouble posting this comment though
