Saturday 4 August 2012

Okay just test driving the blog here.

To date what is going on in my art world is I just finished sculpting, molding and turning over to the foundry "The Offside" an eight almost nine month commission of a polo pony.  It has been rewarding and pretty intense.  Being of a specific horse and rider for sure intensified the project for me.  Loving detail the way I do I got my fill of it here and learned so much about polo tack and form.

Now after a short break enjoying my new puppy, catching up on yard work and getting the house somewhat livable again I am off on my next project or I should say projects.  The Calgary Stampede trophy competition will be in October.  This will be my first time competing and I am excited about it.  I have three different sculptures I will be working on for this and if I have time I may try to get another one in there. 

I hope as I get more comfortable blogging my posts will loosen up some.  Let me know what you all think and what you would like to hear about.


1 comment:

  1. Hi Chris its your bro Bill,I will be checking your blog regular so I expect regular updates.
